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Can We End the Cycle of Ignorance Once and for All?

Writer: Charles "Ghost" CouttsCharles "Ghost" Coutts


Like many people I know, I am relieved after our recent national election. My wife and I both feel as if a burden has been lifted, and we can see hope again. Over the past four years, we have spent a significant portion of our savings, amounting to several thousand dollars, to cover our bills each month. Now, I have always considered myself a person guided by common sense and facts, and both indicate that this wasn't necessary before Biden took office. We faced similar financial challenges during Obama's presidency but not during Trump's, when our savings actually increased thanks to low inflation and a manageable cost of living. Both of these factors are influenced by the federal government and the Federal Reserve. Inflation occurs when the Federal Reserve prints money without backing it with tangible assets, which devalues the dollar and makes everything more expensive. It has been crushing us!

This is an area that we all need to gain a much broader understanding of. I often hear people complain about the economy, yet when asked, they have no idea how economics functions or what it actually is. To assess whether someone understands economics, the first question to ask is what economics studies. If their answer isn't human behavior, they don't grasp economics. It's a social science focused not on the money we possess or its origin, but on what we do with it once it's in our hands. This is the essence of economics, rooted in psychology, as it revolves around our decision-making. If you're unaware of this, I suggest starting with: Economics For Dummies: Flynn, Sean Masaki: 9780764557262: Books. These "For Dummies" books are excellent for learning the basics on various topics. I went through stacks of them back in the day. Additionally, the study of money is known as Numismatics, an intriguing field as it also includes coin collecting.

I'm using economics as a primary example here because, based on my observations and inquiries, I've noticed that most people don't understand economics beyond their personal finances. Anything beyond that is a complete mystery to them. Unfortunately, this isn't an isolated case, which is why I believe there were two main factors that allowed the Marxists to nearly succeed in their goal of overthrowing this country and establishing another Marxist regime that I fear would be far worse than anything in our history.

The two culprits are ignorance and apathy. In this discussion, we won't explore apathy, as I see it more as a consequence of ignorance rather than its counterpart. So, we'll start with ignorance. Let's address any discomfort with the term upfront; it's not derogatory—it simply means a lack of knowledge. We are all ignorant of more things than we can even imagine, so if the term bothers you, perhaps you've been led to see it as offensive. You may want to consider who may have shaped that perception, and why. Just saying.

In essence, people are so unaware of their own ignorance that they can't find a way out of it because they don't realize or refuse to accept that they're ignorant to begin with. It's a vicious cycle to be caught in. When you add malignant narcissism, another widespread issue in today's society, it becomes impossible to convince these individuals that they are ignorant about anything. (This video as well as the channel is an excellent place to start learning)

These are the reprobate minds, the "useful idiots" as Lenin put it, and I don't waste my time on them, nor should you. You will never change their minds because it's impossible to alter their way of thinking.


At present, I believe that our focus should be on the fact that many people who have been maliciously misled, are now facing a crisis as they come to realize that everything, we've been trying to convey is true. Remember, some 70 million people in this country voted FOR communism and I don't know about you but I see that as a problem. They were deceived, exploited, and manipulated by those they trusted. We all understand the pain of such betrayal. These are the individuals we need to reach out to, not with "I told you so," but with "Hey, I understand, now let me show you how to prevent this from ever happening again!" However, we must first ensure we truly understand what we're discussing, don't we? We need to comprehend their experiences to genuinely empathize with them, and as mentioned, most of us have that aspect covered. Yet, we can't do this as political or cultural opponents, as such an approach will likely be perceived as a personal attack due to existing biases. We need to genuinely disregard those divisions because they can easily identify insincerity; they are not naive. Once that barrier is overcome, particularly with younger generations in my experience, and we focus solely on psychology, they prove to be remarkably knowledgeable, so you must be as well. That is how we reach them, and we must reach them or lose them again.

I'm not suggesting that everyone should pursue a degree in psychology, as true understanding of the field extends beyond merely reading books; that's just the starting point for expanding our knowledge. Grasping psychology involves applying this knowledge to identify consistent behavioral patterns that occur in real-time under the same conditions across various individuals. Throughout this process, we also establish methods to replace negative behaviors, which can spread easily, with positive ones that are equally contagious if reinforced through a strict framework. Those who work with children, including parents, understand this intuitively, even if they aren't fully aware of it. For example, a group of young children needs to be kept in a strict routine and under close supervision, or they will quickly scatter and get into everything.

It's unfortunate, but many younger generations, starting with "late stage" Millennials, seem to have the mindset and mentality of a toddler, If you doubt this, just take an honest look around. Observe their actions and more importantly their reactions when things don't go their way. This behavior, regardless of who it comes from, stems from immaturity that stems from ignorance. Naturally, if ignorance is the issue, then knowledge is the most basic solution, wouldn't you agree?

President Trump has promised to deal with the education (indoctrination) system that engineered this mass ignorance in our younger generations so let him do it! My point here is that we have other things to do, and those other things simply consist of educating ourselves so that we cannot be manipulated like that again and then passing that knowledge on to our own children, they pass it on to theirs as well as friends and other family members etc. and that is how we break the cycle. It is like that old shampoo commercial.

The more knowledgeable WE get, the more knowledgeable those in our circle get or our circle changes, believe me, it just happens. Your circle either grows with you or it gets much smaller for a while and those are your core people, keep them in your life.

By educating ourselves we inevitably educate others by proxy and the more we learn about that psychological manipulation so many of our fellow Americans have been subjected to the more able WE, meaning any of us are to both recognize it and resist it. This is our chance guys, let President Trump worry about his job and let's focus on ours. Learning and educating others so that we NEVER find ourselves so close to going over the edge into the abyss again. All due to the same thing that has driven us over the edge into tyranny and horror before, good old-fashioned ignorance whether natural or by design the results are the same are they not? WE have to change that as a population and to do that we must all do it as individuals as well. It all begins and ends with you.

Something to think about, until next time. ~Ghost




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