
Well, I took myself a little time to see what the left might have up their sleeve after Donald Trump's mandate, it was a mandate too no matter how many ballots they count over the next year or so to try and say he lost the popular vote. As far as I am concerned no ballot should be counted after election DAY! We do not have an election season after all, we have an election DAY! They are still counting in some places just so they can try and say he lost the popular vote. Think about that mentality for a little bit people. Trump won it all, The Oval, The House, The Senate, the Electoral College and the popular vote which is in fact a mandate to do one thing after 4 years of the Biden administration destroying our economy, stripping us of our constitutional rights and shoving socialism down our throats, "FIX IT!"
This is the second time we have rejected these neo-Marxist progressives, and I think right now would be a very good time for everyone to take a step back, I do mean everyone no matter what your political leanings unless of course you are also a Marxist.
For my moderate democrat friends in state, local and federal offices who are going along with this stuff under threat or fear of losing your career now is your time to step up and take back your party by exposing the people threatening you, Donald Trump will have your back, and so will America, I can promise you that because you will be heroes if you do, or, you can go down with the rest of them. Something to consider.
For the progressive RINO's in the Republican party, your days are numbered because we have young, hungry patriotic Americans who will fight for us ready and willing to replace you. That goes for the old guard establishment GOP as well, get the hell out of our way or we will replace you. Make no mistake about it, people are waking up to the fact that sticking with the devil they know is no longer working in their best interests. That realization will be followed by the understanding that YOU are that devil not acting in their best interests, YOU are the problem that needs to be eliminated. I think we have proven in this last election that we Americans are not anywhere near as stupid as you think we are. A little slow to act at times but not stupid. This is the beginning of a new era for our country and as the progressives are so fond of saying; "What side of history do you want to be on?".
For the Republican party itself, I think Donald Trump through his nominations is building a spine within the party again and we all need to help by not sending anymore jellyfish to congress that simply go with the flow and clog up the system. That is our job in 18 months, Trump needs us to make sure we are sending patriots into congress, not people who hate America. I mean come on guys; this seems like a no brainer. WE need to start doing OUR job again by making sure we are sending people who will support Trump, not obstruct him based on their own "personal feelings" about him or anything else. Those people are not there to argue for their own feelings about anything, they are there to argue for what is best for the people they represent, what they want. Far too many of these representatives in both parties have forgotten that they work for us, and I think it is high time we remind them of that fact.
For all of us citizens no matter your party it is time for us to get our act together. The problem is not the democrat party, the problem is not the republican party, we both have the same problem, and it is the progressive party, also called the "uni-party" made up of Marxists/neo-Marxists who have infiltrated both parties. This is not some conspiracy theory; it is a fact as well as a very well-known tactic of Marxism. The goal is to make the U.S. a socialist country and they can't do that until they destroy the existing system. They can't just do that outright because the citizens would revolt. Do some research into "the long march through the institutions", I will drop some links at the bottom to get you started.
Don't worry, I am not about to launch into a history lesson or anything, not this time anyway. I am going to wrap up by saying this. Aside from all of the other aspects of the last election we still have to take very seriously the fact that some 60-70 million American citizens voted for "communism". These people, our family, friends, our neighbors were willing to not only give up all of their rights and accept authoritarianism, but they were also more than willing to drag the rest of us right along with them.
I don't know about you, but I see that as a fairly significant problem that needs to be dealt with sooner rather than later and Trump has a pretty good plan to get that ball rolling and it begins with turning our public schools back into education centers that teach children how to think, not what to think.
I am of the opinion that the best thing all of us as human beings no matter where we live can do right now is learn. The two main things that allowed the Marxists to get so close to success was our own ignorance, and our own apathy. People stopped caring because of all the things they do not know and the first thing we need to accept is that this was no accident, it was planned and executed which you will learn more about in the links I post below.
This manipulation is basically the common thread in all of my mind dumps and scribbles, so I don't need to make a list or anything. We need to learn everything we can about the psychology behind that manipulation so we can not only resist it ourselves, but we can also use that understanding to break through the brainwashing. The most effective way to counter psychological manipulation is through the use of psychological manipulation. It is the entire foundation of psychotherapy after all. Dismantle the unstable framework built through psychological manipulation and use manipulation to help them build a stable mental structure. People who rescue cult members call it "de-programming" which is exactly what it is at its core, but I can't say as I agree with some of their methods, quite a few of them in fact but that is neither here nor there.
Now, as always, I know psychology is a daunting subject that either immediately bores or scares people with its complexity, but we don't need to worry about all of the academic stuff guys. I do because I love diving into the depths, the deeper the better but you don't have to, so don't let it scare you, it is just like learning anything else except in this case, we already understand a lot about psychology and do not even realize it, we simply need to learn and understand a little more.
I do want to take this time to say thank you to my fellow Americans who voted for freedom over tyranny, thank you!
Something to think about, until next time. ~Ghost