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Personal logs... 6 - 11 Religion and God

Writer's picture: Charles "Ghost" CouttsCharles "Ghost" Coutts

Updated: Apr 16, 2023


Speaking openly about my beliefs concerning religion and God is a pretty rare thing for me, but I have been asked about it numerous times now, so some people must think it is important.

I however do not.

I guess if it changes one's perceptions of me there is not much I can do about it. All I ask is that you read it until the end.

So here it goes, I decided the safest way to go through this would be to do it as a "thought exercise" so I shouldn't step on any toes. Unless of course you are sticking them under my feet.

This may make it seem a little choppy and it may be a little long winded because what I have to say (a blend of faith and psychology) can only be condensed so far before the meaning starts to get lost from both. You will also get a lot of clarification as to how my mind works. So, as I try my hardest to do with everything I do. It accomplishes multiple goals.


NOTE: This is a sensitive subject likely to evoke strong emotions for some readers.

You may have trouble with this one if you cannot be objective because I am writing from the standpoint of the philosophy behind religions in general, rather than the belief systems individual people follow within any particular religion. Meaning a non-emotional general analysis.

Right wrong or somewhere in between these are the conclusions I reached through my own clinical study (facts) that formed the way I believe (emotion).

Put simply, I believe that one can have a fulfilling relationship with God, without practicing a religion. And I am far from alone in this belief. I have met many people who think along the same lines but are afraid to talk about it, they do not want to be attacked or ostracized which far too often happens.


Let me start by saying; I personally do not have a problem with any religion itself, yet the practicers of many religions tend to have a problem with me because well, they just can't help it. I will go more into this later. (1)

All I ask is to be shown the same courtesy for my beliefs that I show others.

Unfortunately, the moment I let most people know my beliefs they immediately start trying to change them and convince me that I am wrong, that I am going to hell because I do not believe the same as they do.

Some of them get damn nasty about it too. This in itself carried a huge impact for me when it comes to my (feelings, not my thoughts) towards religion.

So, the golden rule, fair enough?


Many of you will hopefully realize that this log, all of my writings and videos in fact are not political (or religious) in nature at all, that is simply a topic I am using at the time, it is about psychology, the psychology of human behavior.

6) Religion is a subject people endlessly question me about.

"What religion am I?" And it always goes the same way.

I say, "I do not practice a religion". And they say, to a person, "oh, you don't believe in God?"

Religion and God are not synonymous, particularly when it comes to single deity religions, which have varying definitions of what "God" is.

I believe religion does not have to be practiced in order for one to have a relationship with God for the following reason primarily, even according to most religious texts I have read, there was a relationship between God and human beings before any of these religions were ever created by those human beings.

I have simply chosen that path for myself. Unsurprisingly the only thing telling me I am wrong is other people, not my heart, and not my soul where God lives within me.

Believe me, I understand how self-serving that sounds, but does it really sound anymore self-serving than anyone else's beliefs?

I believe this judgment is coming from people, not God.


Historical Stop.

Believing one must practice a certain religion to reach God was the flawed reasoning that led to some very dark days in the history of the Catholic Church and continues today within Islams "Sharia law" (as an example). Sharia Law (not Islam itself) is the very definition of a fascist system after all. It is the political Ideology hiding within the religion.

The "church" or religion did not and does not do these evil things. People, within the "church" did and are doing those things right now.

These people are simply now as always using the "church" or religion as a place to hide while they whisper in ears and sow discontent and paranoia that rots a society from the inside out. Traitors and liars.

Communism, fascism, and socialism, Marxism as a whole is tied directly to Atheism which usually seeks to replace God with the all-powerful "State" or "Party".


So, as far as my relationship with God is concerned, I simply choose not to allow other people through religious doctrine to dictate how I must conduct it.

I am an individual, I am neither a follower nor a leader, so I relinquish that control to no religion, and certainly not to any person because I have already given it to God.

That is MY choice, not anyone else's, and I do not judge other people for their choices. I believe in our God given free will.

The logical reasoning behind that has little to do with the subjects of God or religion however, it has entirely to do with the law of inevitability.



So, throughout my life, I have studied many religions, first from a spiritual viewpoint that became the process of choosing what foundations I would be building my moral and ethical framework on, and then a philosophical viewpoint to broaden my understanding from all other viewpoints.

Through necessity these were and remain separate journeys for me.

My emotions became an obstacle.

However, I can and did remove the emotions temporarily by tucking them away into their own drawer.

If you follow my scribbles or watch my videos you have heard me talk about this before in different contexts, different topics but it is all the same process no matter the topic.

Simplicity is the key. Call it the KISS method, "Keep It Simple Stupid"

Setting them (my emotions) aside (I do NOT dismiss them) allows me to focus on deeper critical thinking.

I can move from the emotional facets that belong with my faith and beliefs, into more clinical assessments of ALL of the evidence available for both philosophies.

Faith and Atheism, as my primary examples or more commonly referred to as Religion and Science for the sake of argument.

Atheism (Science) is a religion that worships itself. It inevitably leads to "Humanism" and "Transhumanism" People, through technology will and are to certain extent now, not only replacing God with themselves and their own philosophy of superiority, but ready and willing to improve on Gods design with technology. Cyborgs are not a distant future, neither is AI. It is happening now, and most people do not even know about it.

Are you starting to see why we need to do our best to take a minute and look at all of this from a purely objective viewpoint?

There is so much more going on than the emotional side of things, everything.

Simply put at their core, meaning removal of the emotional distractions, religions are simple philosophical systems, which is the viewpoint I am writing from now as well, so keep that in mind.

My character and spirituality now were not influenced by just one religion, they were influenced by every religion I have ever studied because as my mind does everything else.

I kept what I felt was important or could be useful to me, the base elements and left the rest behind, meaning the politics, the collectivism, the hypocrisy and emotional elements that are so often used to trap people and create cult members.

As an example of this partitioning.

My ethics and moral compass derive entirely from the faith of Christianity based on the King James version Bible; the book of Proverbs is a personal favorite.

I was raised in a Christian household, but I set all of that aside when I started my own journeys down this road and Yet I reached the same conclusions I had before.

I have found no better foundation for how to be a moral and ethical human being than the words written in the Christian bible and that is why I use it as my own foundation.

I am also fully aware that I am capable of brutal pragmatism which comes from the philosophies behind religions like Islam's (Sharia Law), early Christianity and Atheism as examples.

Note: I understand those who I see as my opponents because I am able to think like them, I know and understand their tactics and methodology, their mentality, so I am able to both predict their moves and see them manifesting within society through cause and effect, for no other reason than I have studied them. Just as I would an opponent in chess. I may know what moves they will make but the key is understanding why they make them.

From there it is a simple question of "what would I do if I were them?"


My endless self-reflection and deep thought were developed through my studies of Buddhism, which actually is not a religion, but most people believe that it is.

I do not practice this as a religion, I do not worship these Gods or teachers, I use the methods of becoming more self-aware, to be a better version of myself as a human being.

And I leave the rest.

For example. Studying Wicca, Druidism, demonology, numerology, and astrology wasn't for becoming a Wiccan, Druid, or Satanist, but for understanding what drives these beliefs and the people who believe them both ancient and modern. The predictability of the human behavior then and now as it pertains to these beliefs, religions, and gods is where my interest lies.

I have been condemned to hell according to many religious people simply for studying these subjects and that is again, a condemnation from people, not God.

WICCA for example is not evil by nature, but evil people can use it for evil intent, while other people can use it as a target to vent their fears and ignorance upon, just as they have every other religion in the world at one point or another.

In my "Realist Mind" I also understand that good and evil are the same thing depending on which perspective you are coming from. They are words nothing more, used to describe our darkest fears and prejudices, anything that is the opposite of what we ourselves believe in as "Good" is by default "Evil".

All the while so many are missing the opportunity to break through this barrier of understanding, too many people simply fail to see it. Not because they are less intelligent but because they are simply not paying attention to what is going on around them.

And as is our propensity for arrogance, many believe that if something were in fact true, they would already know about it. So, they dismiss it.

The greatest obstacle in our paths to a better way of thinking is ourselves. We just cannot seem to stay out of our own way with self-imposed obstacles.

People need to break that barrier of believing that things either have to be this or that, black or white, good or evil because they don't. We (people) make them that way and other people use it to keep us divided.

Which I must say is rather comical in my eyes given that is how most people think we hardcore realists are, black and white, this or that, but nothing could be further from the truth.

I am capable (everyone is) of studying a subject without building a belief system around it, too many people today have just forgotten or were never taught how to be truly objective, they are reactionary, emotional, which by default means vulnerable to manipulation.



So, I studied Angels and Demons, Gods and Devils, not to worship or to deny them, but to understand them, their lore, attraction, myths, legends and lies.

Of which there are many in every religion, people of God as a whole no matter by what name, are not without secrets and shame, politics and greed.

It is inevitable because we are human beings, and this is what we do, it is our nature.

Man (human beings) corrupts everything he touches and tries to control; we all know that this is true, even the Bible basically says as much.

We simply find it easier to ignore in others what we know we are hiding within ourselves, then we do not have to face it. They are more likely to project it onto others. We all carry the "original sin" of being human beings.

Humans, in trying to come to terms with what they could feel but not understand started forming groups who believe the same philosophy as themselves, then a cult forms, then a religion that in time becomes an entity of its own "The Church" now it has a doctrine, political power that is only limited by how much gold sat/sits in its coffers, and how many butts they could/can get sitting in the pews believing their philosophy.

The Vatican is a prime example of this in my opinion. It has massive political power, its own "King" (the Pope) its own government, country, corporations, land and a patriarchal ruling structure that dates back to before the days of Feudalism.

Christianity and Islam, the two most popular religions were once both thought of as cults, and the followers as lunatics.

Which is a big reason I believe and trust in God, not religion, because through my own research, well, let's just say I cannot unlearn what I've learned. It is a simple matter of logistics.

To clarify, my knowledge of the history, abuses and methodologies involved with their creation and evolution (facts) make it impossible for me to put my faith (emotion) into an organized religion.

7) Again, please do not misunderstand me, I am not against religions, I have seen with my own eyes how they can transform people's lives, bring them joy, and provide comfort.

Nothing that accomplishes that for people could ever be a bad thing, right? Unless...

Consider the simple fact that there are 5000 recognized religions in the world, and most of them claim to be the only ones who are right.

Of course, this is an impossibility (or is it?) and since we can only know for sure after dying, which can only happen once as a general rule, this could and has also been used as a ready-made framework for a lifetime-long con for the right people or person. We have seen it ourselves in the past through their downfalls.

Not the religion itself of course because we must always remember that more than one thing can be true at the same time, and there is also a fine line between religion and belief that we will not get into here.

I am talking about how the wrong people can and are and have been using religion for power and control.

Would it not be nice to be able to spot these grifters before they destroy your life? You can, just like I can, you just have to study their methodology, once you understand that, you will see through them every time. That is all people like me do, in its simplest terms we pay attention to what others do not.

It is astonishing how much people could know if they would just pay attention.


8) On a psychosocial level I also understand that by default, religion as an entity is a form of collectivism, and many people get overly caught up in it, which can lead to group think and eventually the possible removal of God altogether in favor of the group ideology or a charismatic leader, working in the name of said God creating a hive mind that suppresses individuals for the benefit of the group and its goals.

Unfortunately, by the time this truth is usually discovered it is far too late to do anything about it.

Note: Except under VERY specific circumstances, such as the military, or law enforcement where it is a necessity for examples, I despise collectivism. Over 100 million and still counting murdered souls agree with me.

An entire religion can be corrupted and remade from within with just the right person at the right time, just like any other corporation or organization.

One just has to infiltrate and seize control of the command structure by whatever means necessary so that you can control policy within that religion (organization). In the business world people call them "Corporate Raiders". The same thing happens in politics.

We know that this is fact, it has been happening almost as long as there have been modern human beings.

On a pertinent side note, it is quite interesting to see what is happening inside the Catholic church right now under this "progressive" Pope is it not? He has repeatedly violated "The Oath Against Modernism" Given by His Holiness St. Pius X September 1, 1910. As an example Pope Francis to change Catholic Canon 1398 law to allow forgiveness of abortion ( They understood the dangers of what this Pope is doing today a long time ago and wrote this oath to prevent it. An oath though is only as righteous as the person taking it.

Just like our Founding Fathers understood why The United States needed to be a Republic, and not a Democracy when writing our constitution as a means to protect us from a pure democracy which is what we are currently being turned into. You could label a Republic as Good, and a Democracy as evil (or vice versa). Same results, just different paths.

Cults are formed in this way, religious and political, and we see it all around us every day now due in large part to the influence of Marxism (Atheism) and all of its poison tendrils within our command structure, they control the policy now.

In the same way that most cults come to their end through death and madness, a death cult of radicals, fanatics, and psychopathic "Useful Idiots" have taken over and are leading us all to ruin, right now, in the name of their religion.

Democrats, Republicans, male, female (or somewhere in between or beyond), black, white, brown, crippled, whole, child, adult, sane and insane, the death cult is after us all, to eliminate anyone who is not exactly like them. The collective.

Leaving a trail of broken people and destroyed lives in their wake, all one has to do is follow it themselves to verify this.


This may sting the ego a bit, but I consider what anyone else thinks or says about my relationship with God as irrelevant.

They have nothing to do with it.

No malice involved; I am no different than they are after all am I not? I have made up my mind what I believe, and it is highly unlikely to change, just as they have.

The only difference is that I respect their beliefs (by not trying to change them) while they attack mine. And of course, I should not have to say this, but it is not ALL religious people, I am speaking in generalities.

This position of mine does seem to piss off a lot of religious people though which leads me to believe that at least to a large part that for many they are more concerned with themselves and trying to control what others believe and think, than they are in what God has to say.


One thing I know for absolute fact though is that at the moment I die, there will be only myself and God, and I see no reason to not maintain that relationship in my LIFE as well.

Besides it makes my job much easier to be objective.

It is true that everyone has their function to the whole (humanity) and this is mine, I observe, and I chronicle. Then I make that information available to any who seek it, nothing more nothing less.

So, as for myself, I guess the best way I could describe my dilemma with religion is that I simply know too much about the history, mechanics, and psychology behind religion as a whole.

I have many dilemmas due to this same factor. Ever hear that "sometimes knowing too much is worse than knowing nothing at all?"

It is true.


9) God.

In my opinion, the question is not whether God exists or does not exist, as this question is an exercise in futility to begin with, a distraction, and is not what people actually want to know when they ask the question of you.

In other words, they want to know if you agree with their views on the subject, namely their religion and make no mistake, Atheism (Science) is a religion that worships itself, but a religion none the less.

In such a case, you can quickly become an enemy without having done anything to warrant it other than disagreeing with their beliefs.

In spite of being so petty, so childish, it is also devastatingly powerful and destructive.

There have been countless times in history where people have killed and been killed in wholesale slaughter, just because of someone else's beliefs or thoughts being different than their own.

Look at the nine different, 200 yearlong crusades. Estimate is as low as 1 million people all the way to 9 million killed "in the name of God".

God did not do that; people's interpretation of God and the meaning of god's word did that. The conflict was inevitable, religious differences simply became a catalyst to that end.


One thing that has always fascinated me, is to see how the belief in (creation) and the belief in the big bang theory (evolution) constantly contend for dominance.

I believe they were the same thing.

I mean seriously, can you give me a better description of "Let there be Light" than the big bang? Just saying.

No person can tell me for fact what God looks like, so maybe at the time he created us we looked much different than we do now, or when the earliest texts were written.

An unfortunate fact is that people can only describe something based on their own understanding of it, this is a known and proven element of our psychological makeup which also influences our intelligence.

For instance, if a psychology professor explains the textbook description of psychoanalysis to someone who has never studied it, who then repeats what they were told to someone else. The last person to hear it is no longer getting the textbook version of things; they are getting the novices understanding of what they were told was the textbook version.

Our capacity for understanding is very limited and can only be expanded by well, expanding it. That expansion is also finite though.

Try to concentrate on the age-old concept of infinity for example. Our minds are incapable of actually processing it, the more you think about it the more you want to stop thinking about it.

In this scenario we are literally banging our heads against the barrier that is our capacity to understand.

Remember, this is a "thought exercise".

The bible (for an example) says God made man in his own image and I have no reason to disbelieve this, however, what is God's image, why would an omnipotent being need arms and legs or a body at all when it can simply think itself anywhere it wants to be, in any form it chooses for instance? Or for that matter be everywhere at once in every possible form there is.

Plus, we know for fact that life does one thing, life grows. It evolves, it adapts, and makes some magnificent leaps in that evolution.

How does anyone know that this process (evolution) was not Gods plan all along? (Allow me to insert here that I in no way believe that humans evolved from Apes. Science cannot find the missing link because it doesn't exist.)

The simple answer is they cannot.

So, what they believe is based solely on what they as an individual are capable of understanding, meaning their level of knowledge concerning not only God and religion, but more importantly the human behavior as it pertains to God and religion.

This is understandably a very unpopular viewpoint among most religions because it generally ends with the question of did God create man, or did man create God, what does God exist within and it exist within, and it exist within right into the infinity dilemma.

The whole "chicken and the egg" scenario in a nutshell.

But it does not have to be that way in my opinion. Those are the restrictive ramblings of Academics who overcomplicate everything simply to justify their own position in society as an "expert".

When everyday people really start realizing that they actually can understand the basics of all of this stuff, then the "expert" label starts to lose its power does it not?

What do we need them for?

I believe God created the universe and everything inside or outside of it, while science is showing us how here on earth at least it was accomplished, the process. I mean what is a moment, a day, or a week to an entity that time does not apply to?

It was people who brought the infinity dilemma into something they could understand, (a time frame).

That makes the most sense to me both realistically and from the viewpoint of my faith. Remember K.I.S.S.?

What we need to ask ourselves is why this commonsense theory to such an age-old futile argument is so hard to believe when placed alongside what others believe.

The only difference is that my theory is not based on emotion. Just think what we could learn if we could get past that self-imposed barrier of understanding.

That is why I posit that the better we understand human behavior (our psychology) could only be seen as a pathway to a deeper understanding and thereby personal relationship with God, not a hindrance to it.

As unfortunate as it is the primary roadblock to this in many cases is a religion. More specifically one's refusal to question a religion. It always comes down to us making a choice.

The primary reason that as I mentioned earlier "we humans cannot get out of our own way" is because we do not understand the psychology behind who we are as a species.

We know WHAT we do but very few understand, and even fewer care, WHY we do it. The predictability of it all.

It scares them so they avoid it. And that is to the advantage of those who would use that fear and denial to manipulate.

Keep in mind that being objective means this includes both "good" and "evil" manipulation.

Manipulation is manipulation and, in my mind, it is forcing ones will on another which by default means that person is deprived of their own free will. The ends do not justify the means if those means include depriving other people of their free will. Through force or manipulation.

That is in a perfect world though, which this isn't.


Remember; "thought exercise"

That is why we have the endless struggle of dominance, not because of God or Satan, good or evil but because it is our nature as human beings.

You could think of it as a cosmic game between "good and evil" using our unchangeable nature to manipulate us on the board, and many do believe that.

But you would be wrong because human beings through our decisions and actions are what manipulate good and evil in the world, not the other way around.

Consider; if there were no human beings to commit the ACTS of good and evil...?

Questions such as this are in no way a violation of one's faith unless one's faith is founded in ignorance, meaning keeping the masses ignorant, which of course means it is about control at its core. "Ignorance is the tool of Tyrants" it always has been, always will be.

These questions are meant to expand one's ability to reason and use critical thinking in place of primal reactions that accomplish little if anything other than making one susceptible to manipulation.

These questions once explored are the keys that unlocks the prison of ignorance.


For instance, I can think of not one scientific discovery that I have ever heard of that proves what caused the big bang, creation, to happen, which means neither religion nor science can prove or disprove anything prior to that point in time, the beginning, they are both operating on hope that they are correct. One calls it "faith" and the other calls it "theory".

The division comes not from who is right or wrong because (for me at least) they are both right, but from the arrogance of man.


11) When it comes to God, I again hold a rather Pantheistic view. I believe that we are all connected to everything else and everyone else on a spiritual level, God is part of me, and I am part of God.

We all are, how can we not be when God created us and everything around us out of his own essence, the world God created.

Why do I have to be wrong, and you be right? Why can we not find our way to God in our own ways and practice our beliefs our own ways?

Is this free will not enshrined both within some religious texts and the U. S. Constitution?

Our right by birth, given to us by God, not by men, was earned here in America by a bloody revolution. We took that right back from other people who were not entitled to it.

Yet, people, here in America are now again taking that right away since through this manipulation others are giving their liberty and rights away and everyone else's in the process for some "free stuff" they will never see. At least not in the way they think they will.

Just look around you. History does not repeat itself; people repeat history.

We have this constant battle of wills and self-destructive behavior not because good and evil exist, but because humans exist, and we are by nature a warring and inherently selfish species.

This is a fact that cannot change, we can however absolutely control it, but that is a choice we all must make.

Conflict will always exist as long as there are two humans on this planet, no humans, no conflict. Even the word conflict itself would hold no meaning.

That is the simple truth of it.

The realist-

As a realist I have no choice in my opinion but to believe in the existence of God because anything that cannot be disproven creates a possibility and that possibility cannot be ignored.

Decision time again.

God exists in my realistic mind (by choice) until someone proves to my satisfaction that the contrary is true. I seriously doubt that day will ever come but I cannot ignore that possibility either. Reality is a two-edged blade is it not?

The reason for this is based entirely on my own observations and I am satisfied that the whole "Universe, everything, is simply some cosmic accident" theory is pretty damn thin.

Others choose to see things from the other side of the coin and require proof of existence.

I do not begrudge them this position because that is a choice and the very essence of our God given free will is it not?

By condemning others and attempting to take away their free will and impose our own, are we not also putting ourselves in the place of God?

I believe there is a word for that.

The emotional mind-

My emotional mind has simply seen and felt too much in my life not to believe in God, we can leave it at that.

Every day I feel God around me in the wind, the bird song, the storm and the silence, every breath I take is filled with God's essence, and every day I talk to God.

I implore him with words, and he guides me through feelings.

I do not think about it, I just do it and as I said I feel what I should do, usually.

Unfortunately, in my past I had a pretty severe phobia of listening to those feelings, but those are stories for other days.


The question for me is...

Does the strength of my faith and beliefs diminish because I may not believe the same thing as you do?

No, they do not because other people's judgements of my (or your) relationship with God have nothing to do with God at all, it is about the person themselves, their desire to be right, their need to control and that is a fact.

The Logical Mind-

My logical mind does not care either way because there are no facts in this subject for it to work on.

Compartmentalization, it is a wonderful thing.

So, to summarize. I know, "finally!" right?

Religion is not something I avoid talking about because I am against it. It is something I avoid talking about because religions tend to be against me. they cannot understand emotional and personal nature of my own relationship with God, but not practice a religion.

Let's face it, it is hard for other people to accept this, because another unchangeable part of our base nature is that we human beings cannot, as a whole, mind our own freaking business, we cannot, not, judge others.


Since I have no choice but to focus on the clinical side of things, I prefer to stay on that side, away from the emotion until or unless I need it.

I know, "what do you mean you have no choice, we all have choice.

No, we really do not in many, many ways. Mostly we are fooling ourselves about that.

Due to the fact that they do not experience what we experience, people who are not like us cannot understand us.

My mind has always acted the same way since I can remember.

No matter what it is, if I do not already know about it, my mind will tear it apart and analyze it until it has been reduced to its simplest components. It does the same thing with people.

Due to the inevitability of this process, I figured out how to make good use of it through trial and error.

I read.

I know, people always say, "Well I read to." but they do not understand, I read everything, it does not matter what it is.

As an example, if I spend any time at your home and you have magazines or books laying around, I will have been through them before I leave to see if there is anything new for me to find.

I cannot help it, I am fairly convinced that my insatiable thirst for information, (knowledge) may have a pathological origin (meaning my PTSD, OCD or something) but it has been who I am for so long, I would not change it if I could.

Besides, was it not God who gave me this mind?


My emotional mind was in direct conflict with my realist mind leaving me but one choice.

I had to separate the two and deal with them as individual entities.

I moved the realist mind into its drawer and opened the logical mind to study the philosophy without the emotion.

This is where I get into conflicts with others who cannot or do not know how to compartmentalize things.

They cannot separate the emotion in order to effectively discuss the philosophy behind a religion which accomplishes nothing but wasting time.

Unfortunately, this in many cases tends to limit peoples understanding to what other people tell them is right, the collectivism and group think.

This is not in any way being derogatory towards any religion or those who practice them, quite the opposite in fact, it means they are human exhibiting a known human reaction to things that are outside of their comfort zone (understanding).

This is a prime example of "Ignorance is bliss"

I personally wish to hell I had that ability, to be blissfully ignorant. I lost that a long time ago.

I have been ground into hamburger by the underbelly of humanity, survived and came out the other side a very different man than the man that went in, I can never see things through those eyes again.

I simply cannot unknow what I know, unsee what I have seen.

Religions can be corrupted, my relationship with God cannot which is why I put my faith and trust in God, not religion.

Hopefully this helps people understand why?


Good and evil reside in the hearts of all mankind and only man can choose which path to follow. ~Ghost

“I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.” -Susan B. Anthony, 1896

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