(Opinion) RAW

Took myself a little breather after the election. I literally feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and I wanted to bask in that feeling for a bit before I got back to work. It has been too long since I had this sense of hope in me again, know what I mean?
I am not going to spend time talking about the election itself in this scribble though, suffice it to say the patriotic Americans in this country brought a collective voice and said "YOU'R FIRED!" to the Biden administration and their corrupt communist policies that are destroying our nation and our futures. We took everything away from them and they are PISSED! Once again they underestimated "We the People", and overestimated their own numbers and power. They have no one to blame but themselves, they pitched their wares and we told them a very loud "FUCK OFF!" we are not interested in being subjugated by you psychopaths.
So, what now?
On my little breather I did spend some time putting my finger on the pulse of social media after Donald Trump's landslide victory. The shock and awe were palpable, it was like the whole entity of social media forgot to breath for a few minutes, it was fascinating. They were in shock, and we were in awe, we actually banded together to once again push back against the advancement of Cultural Marxism within our government as well as our society. But the fight is not over, it has just begun.
I hear the left saying how we need to just leave the past in the past and move on, I also hear this sentiment coming from many of those who hail from the right. In essence what they are saying is "It is not in the best interest of the country to pursue investigations or charges into these matters.".
OK, I can understand why some people especially the ones guilty of crimes against humanity would be very happy with this arrangement, but I vehemently disagree as does everyone I know who voted for Donald Trump. What is in the best interest of this country is a Reckoning. We were lied to, manipulated, robbed and our Constitutional Rights violated in almost every way possible. People died, people were left disabled, their lives ruined all because of those lies and manipulations. Those lives matter too, and they deserve justice, we all do. The people behind those lies and actions must be made to answer for those lies and actions as well as any and all consequences that come with it.
That is how this country heals, gets closure and makes it far more difficult for us to ever get ourselves into this mess again. We dodged a bullet, and I am really concerned that not enough people understand just how close we came to losing everything.
So no, I am not and never have been a turn the other cheek kind of person. All that does is give me two sore cheeks instead of one in my opinion. I am more the 'you hit me, and I keep hitting you until you either give up or are unconscious. Call it a character flaw if you want but some of us have to be fighters, don't we?
I believe that every single high-level person involved with the Biden administration (government employee or not) needs to be investigated, charged if applicable, removed from office and/or prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If you are not guilty of anything then you have nothing to worry about.
Personally, with all of the reports I see about all of these Biden admin puppets threatening to quit is a pretty good indication that they are scared shitless to be investigated and that will only work in justice's favor, some of these people will turn on their master's to save themselves and that is how we crack this rotten walnut wide open.
On the flip side, they are not going to make it easy, they know how close they were to achieving their goal and they hate us (patriotic Americans) more now than they ever have. We rejected them twice now, in 2016 and now in 2024 and they just don't seem to be getting the message, and they never will because this is their nature, it is who they are at their core. Remember, authoritarianism/totalitarianism are more than just terms, they are a mentality based in a belief of one's own superiority. They will never stop, ever.
So, what do you think? Forgive and forget or hold every single one of them accountable for their crimes against We the People? I think I have made my position clear.
Something to think about, until next time. ~Ghost