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The Pit: An Inevitability

Writer: Charles "Ghost" CouttsCharles "Ghost" Coutts

(Opinion) RAW

I want you idiots who support your own enslavement to think about something real hard. When you are no longer useful to your master's they are going to throw you down into the same "pit" of despair they threw the rest of us you sold out into.

When that happens, your lives are going to become borrowed time because there are going to be a lot of psychotically pissed off people down in that pit looking for some payback and I am fairly confident that, "I am sorry, I didn't know!" is not going to be a satisfactory excuse for them, because you do know, we have told you over and over and over again, but you chose/choose not to listen.

You helped destroy these people's lives after all, their futures, and sold their descendants into slavery all because you were too arrogant and prideful to admit that you were wrong, or you just wanted "free stuff". Do you really think they are just going to forgive and forget, give you a big wet one and invite you to sit by their fire and warm yourself, offer you some food and a blanket? They are going to make it their mission to kill you and probably take their time doing it.

Those that have even a basic understanding of human nature know that I speak the truth, this is not a possibility, or even a probability, it is an inevitability in this well-known and historically documented scenario. We know how this story goes, the only thing that has changed are the faces and the places. New era, same old bullshit!

Those people will come for you if/when they learn your role in all of this, and it is going to be brutal when they do. In the past gangs were formed with the specific purpose of hunting down those they see as responsible for their suffering, collaborators become prey to those they victimized through that collaboration with the subjugators, the enslavers.

Thanks to your own support of the subjugators there will be no law to protect you from them either so when they do come for you, they WILL get you and probably anyone close to you just for good measure, it is only a matter of time and we have no way of knowing how long this murderous revenge spree will last before it burns itself out, if ever.

The people you supported will not help you either, you served your purpose and now you have no value to them. To put it simply I do not think your lives will be worth shite once those people find out who you are and what you did.

But the good news is that there is still time to prevent that one of many horrifying scenarios from playing out. All you have to do is drop the arrogance, drop the pride, and admit that you are wrong about these people, and listen to people who know more than you do. That is all you have to do, and this nightmare all goes away almost overnight. Do you even realize this?

There is no shame in getting fooled by masters of the game. The only shame is in allowing it to continue once you have been made aware of it, and you have been made aware of it, you are CHOOSING not to listen and the most synonymous word with willful ignorance is stupidity. So, when are we going to stop being stupid people?

Something to think about, until next time. ~Ghost




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