Just a reminder, I provide hints on where you can find answers instead of giving them directly. The decision to search for them is up to you. ~Ghost
By now, it should be clear to anyone reading my writings that I am a committed realist who evaluates everything I observe, hear, and read from an objective perspective first. However, what does objectivity truly entail? To grasp this concept, we must also comprehend its opposite: Subjectivity. (I will post links at the end for more)
Understanding the distinction between the two is essential as it is closely linked to current societal developments. Equally important is recognizing that objectivism and subjectivism are merely terms denoting a methodological approach or a way of thinking, nothing beyond that.
In my own experience and observations over the years, I have noticed a significant change in the prevalence of different thinking styles. In the past, during my upbringing, most people I knew primarily relied on objectivity as the foundation for their thoughts and decisions.
The essential information required to begin solving the problem consists of who, what, where, and when. Any other details are currently unimportant and serve as a distraction, muddling the situation like contamination at a crime scene. Once the issue is resolved, there will be ample opportunity to delve into the reasons behind it, including the emotional aspects involved.
This is the approach an impartial thinker takes to collect information for turning it into action. I am confident that most individuals from Generation X and earlier generations adopt this mindset, commencing with objectivity.
The most recent generations have experienced a significant and dramatic shift, unlike previous ones. This shift is quite unnatural. Nowadays, there are many individuals who have been taught by the education system to think in a completely different manner compared to my generation, for instance.
How can we be certain of this statement? Simply observe your surroundings, the consequences of that action are easily noticeable, just spend some time on social media. For many young individuals, emotions take precedence over everything, facts are undervalued, perception defines reality, there are no absolute truths, everything is subjective.
Certainly, manipulators continuously reinforce this message by advising individuals not to conduct their own research, implying that they are not intelligent enough to comprehend the information.
I suppose the majority of people who are misinformed fail to realize that they are being directly labeled as unintelligent, or that conducting their own research is precisely what they should be engaging in. Without doing so, they lack the necessary information to challenge the emotional responses triggered by those who seek to manipulate them. This often leads to heightened emotional distress, ultimately resulting in chronic anxiety due to their overall confusion and lack of understanding about their circumstances.
Therefore, to put it differently, a significant number of these youths have failed to mature; they remain essentially children in adult bodies. While this may seem critical to some, consider the evidence. They demonstrate comparable thought patterns, emotional immaturity, behavior, entitlement, and self-centeredness as adolescent children do.
If someone behaves childishly, it is because their thought process resembles that of a child, who tends to view things subjectively. To adopt an objective perspective, we need to learn through guidance or firsthand encounters, as it does not come naturally to us.
Our natural state is based in emotionally driven instincts that we have no control over. Fear, anger, sorrow, joy, accomplishment, jealousy, envy... the list goes on for emotional reactions to what life throws at us every day and it is at this point where we take control by choosing which reaction we are going to go with at any given time.
Now, before I go, I want to touch on another of my favorite philosophies, Stoicism as it is also a major ingredient in logical thought. For that though I am just going to link a series of videos because I could write a book on it, and I am trying to make my scribbles shorter not longer.
The key is learning how to use them all according to their relevance to the problem, not just one or the other as a catch-all.
Something to think about y'all, till next time. ~Ghost
More on Subjectivity and Objectivity